About Us
The Jeighborhood is your Jewish neighborhood - a landscape of programs, informal interest groups, courses, camps, and celebrations that bring the JCC to you. The Jeighborhood borrows from the incredible programs offered at the J - from CJC lectures to Jewish holiday celebrations to summer camp - and provides entry points closer to home. Our mission is to connect the entire San Diego community to Jewish heritage, identity, experiences, and values - and not only those who live close by. The Jeighborhood aims to meet people where they are, both figuratively and literally.

Jewish Together in Temecula Valley (JTTV)
The hub for Jewish life in Temecula Valley!
Contact Us
For more information about Jeighborhood, please contact Max Bush at maxb@lfjcc.org. If you want to submit a program to be added to the Jeighborhood calendar, please use the button below.